
andrew murray consulting

food process and project engineers
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specialist hygienic design and energy management

A delegate at a recent Hygienic design course sent an e-mail -

"The recent course was possibly the best course I have ever been on – thank you for this"

After 40 years of consulting, Andrew Murray will not be accepting any new projects.   He recommends that you contact Johan Smit who is a competent Food Process Engineer.

Contact  Johan on  https://smitfandb.com/

Andrew thanks his clientele for their support over many years .  He will continue to assist Johan on some specific design topics.

Food engineering or food process engineering is the application of the principles of science to the efficient commercial production of safe wholesome food from defined raw materials.  Physics is the scientific basis of food process engineering but thermobacteriology and predictive microbiology are also relevant Aspects of chemical and agricultural engineering are important to the food engineer as are food science and the principles of hygienic design and hygienic practices.

Andrew Murray has been running his own consultancy in food process engineering since 1985.   Andrew Murray Consulting  is active within many of the sectors of the food processing industry both in South Africa and in other countries.

Specialist fields include the processing of fruit, vegetable and dairy products particularly where such unit operations as heat exchange, pasteurisation or evaporation take place.  The range of products and operations handled by AMC is, however, wide. Many projects undertaken to date have been for on-farm processors.

Because of strong ties (and proven working relationships) with a number of other consultants and research organisations in related fields such as food science and other areas of engineering, multi-disciplinary projects can and have been undertaken by AMC.

Andrew Murray also undertakes energy audits and hygienic design audits based on SANS 14159  and runs short courses in these fields.

Process design
Project management
Hygienic design audits
Energy audits



BEE Status

Level 4 Contributer

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SANS 14159
Specifies hygiene requirements of machines and provides information for the intended use to be provided by the manufacturer. It applies to all types of machines and associated equipment used in applications where hygiene risks to the consumer of the product can occur. 
homeintroductioncoursespublications | comment | on the lighter side | links | contactUpdated  20 Feb 2025
specialist hygienic design and energy managementCopyright AN Murray